Thursday 11 December 2008

Summing up everything that is f*cken wrong with the Eels.

Here is a quote from the esteemed Daily Rag newspaper that perfectly illustrates my point (coming as it does from a perpetually pained Eels fan). It comes from Chris Turd *ahem* JURD, a current board member of the Eels and official nob-polisher (on Tuesdays) of Mr Fitzgerald, Club President:

"Solicitor Chris Jurd, a current board member, expects a tight election this Sunday. "I'd be surprised if they won but you never can tell,'' Jurd said. "I just don't know what the real reason is for why people are becoming so agitated. The Parramatta junior league is being run very well.""


NO idea why Eels fans are unhappy? Not a f*cken clue in the world? It must be nice living in the same MORONIC BLISS that Mr Jurd inhabits. He must also think that rash on his ball-sack will disappear on its own soon enough.

But the clincher in the insane ravings of Mr Jurd? The very ACME of IDIOT?

Zero first grade premierships since 1986, but f*ck me dead AT LEAST THE JUNIORS ARE GOING ALRIGHT. Well f*cken hallelujah.