Monday 19 January 2009

While it may be important to you, I DON"T CARE!!!

If I was to tell you how much beer I drank during my holidays you wouldn't believe me. I had a few yesterday and it tasted like water. I have become immune to beer.

While I have mentioned Mr Obama in a previous post, which was more Lemmy (God) related than anything, I wonder if we need the coverage that the upcoming presidential inaugaration is getting here in Oz. I am happy he has the job and has removed Mr Bush from power but are we the 52nd state of America? Full live TV coverage of the inaugaration? Here in Australia? What is going on!! Our own swearing in ceremony when a new PM comes to power is barely mentioned but here we follow the presidental inaugaration like it was the second coming of Jesus.

We should have some pride in our own ceremonies and such and not be looking overseas for things such as this to watch.

Oh lordy........first day back at work and I am feeling it BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!