To a doctor Santa! Post haste!!!!!
We are Three Wise Men, offering you our opinions on Life, the Universe and Everything, because we are right and you are wrong. We are the ultimate examples in the long and winding road that is human evolution.
Whilst I was overseas on a study tour of Bangkok's outer suburbs which included my much lauded visit to the fine institution that is the BNH Hospital (or Benson and Hedges Hospital as I liked to call it) Kev Rudd decided to come out and pick a fight. With me. While I was away. The spineless little Maoist.
In his speech to the Lowy Institute he said "these do nothing climate change sceptics are prepared to destroy our children's future." End quote.
I will ask that members of my family and those offended by harsh language not read the next paragraph...
Kev, you pustulous giggly little nancy boy. Get your freakin hands up. You are about to meet my two friends, pain and misery! You are an alarmist chicken little of the highest order who has earned my undying contempt. A pox on your village of idiots and all who reside within its walls. May locusts destroy your crops and may wild goats dine on your nether regions.
I don't want a tax based on a theory, a theory which is discredited by recently leaked emails from the institute that issued the theory. I would like balanced debate and evidence of the claims. I would like those that believe the theory to cease labelling those that don't child haters, destroyers of the future, infidels and fools. I would like to see why taxing us on one hand and then subsidising the effects of the tax is a solution. I would like to know what we will do when the manufacturers move to China, to Africa, to India where these exploitive taxes and policies will not stop them producing, where the government is more realistic about things.
To say that I want to harm the most precious thing in my life, my first born, The Kamolchonok, is insulting and absurd.
We are a tiny nation, we contribute four fifths of three eighths of bugger all to the worlds pollution. We pass this policy and we will be the laughing stock of the world. The only job fit for Kev in the UN after this is as court jester.
Kev, you can pick on me, laugh at me and call me names. But do not tell me I am willing to harm my child. That is alarmist, it is a losers last retort and it is as false as the science you base your climate change ideology on.
Thats all for now, I know it wasnt great, but hey you got it for free.
Canberra were always more hungry as they are being paid in pies for a win nowadays than Melbourne in an 80-minute effort the rangey ranger footballing journeyman Jowl Monaghan described as "one of the few wins I've been involved with that I was sober for, it has been a while."
"The personnel has changed, the game is still a game of two halves and 80 minutes long but it's great to get the monkey off our backs against The Weather, which in hindsight was a pretty ridiculous way to play against them. Have you ever tried to run with a bonobo monkey frotting away on your back looking for a opening. It can be distracting" he said.
As for retaining his Origin spot for game three, Monaghan said: "I'm not sure if I'll be there. After today's win I think I will be on the cans for a while. I have heard Toddles Carney, the patron saint of celebrations is in town so the phone may be turned off for a while. I've said the whole time that the only thing I can effectively control is my bladder, I haven't seen any replays of the game yet but I thought I did that today, so fingers crossed I keep that up. You can go broke buying adult nappies."
-Mike Oxwollen
It has been said that blogging and the whole blogging experience is a waste of effort and energy that it may as well be done by monkeys, trained to mash the keyboard with their fists and post for a banana reward. Some have said that 95% of all blogs are done by monkeys. I don't know the facts and figures but I KNOW I'm not a monkey and that here at the Sanctum, we are making a difference.
You my recall my post from a while ago about the University of Sydney offering "barister" coffee at one of the eating establishments there. Go back through the archives and check, I'll wait here for you....
OK, now when I was out there last week I noticed they have a new sign! And the spelling is fixed!!
Sometimes my very good friends, sometimes life gets me down and I think I can't keep up the fight and struggle any longer, it is all too hard and there is too much for this one little black duck to do. It can get me down as I'm only one man and there is so much wrong in the world that needs fixing, and then you get a result, a great result, and spelling is amended and it was all because of ME!! Makes a bloke feel pretty damn good.
No need to thank me, Just doing my job.
Anyone who knows me well knows I am loathe to spread rumours and scuttlebutt but tales such as the one below need--in the interests of truth, honesty and helping out a mate--to be brought out into the open, into the light of truth, so that any stigma is released and reduced by the harsh light of criticism, and so that we may all learn from one of our mistakes together.
I have a very strong suspicion that one of the Trio has been in some legal trouble of late, maybe for public drunkenness, maybe for indecent exposure, and as such has been given some kind of community service order to fulfill. Why do I think this?
1. The person in question has been working days and nights at his "cooking job" when it used to be a purely evening gig.
2. He is incommunicado for most of the week, and you never hear from him on weekends.
3. He has been helping out in various 'canteens' throughout Canberra.
4. I received a text from him saying he had fed 110 kids from Bankstown of a Islamic religious leaning.
5. I saw him recently and I could have sworn I saw the outline of a tear drop tatt under his eye (OK, maybe I made that one up)
I would first like to thank my learned colleague for reminding us of something we said we would do back in December but have wisely waited until March to do.
I know I have personally fielded many calls from frantic folk asking me "Crack, where are your predictions? I cant wait for events to occur, tell me whats going to happen now!!"
And whilst I mean no disrespect to my canine racing campadre, his predictions are rubbish. So get Centerbet on the blower, get to the pub to lay on the bets, because here is whats going to happen in 2009.
I can give you more but I think there should be some surprises right? And I know you want me to use my powers to help you win lotto so, for our loyal readers (Hi Dad!!) I will leave you with this lotto prediction.
22, 4, 39, 43, 1 and 19 supps 32 and 3
will be numbers that will roll up in lotto draw at some stage through the year. (numbers may not fall in the same draw together or on the same week or any combination thereof)
Punt high and follow on!!
And beer, it's good for everyone, as this ad shows
Thats better.
Picture B - A trident, King Neptune's weapon of choice, and a remarkably good Scrabble score if King Cracka has the letters to spell it out.
Call our competition phone-in line 1800 CRACKSMART with your entries!!