Along with the usual visit by the big red bearded one over the summer months we have had other visitors to our fair shores over the festive season, visitors that hurt and bite and cause damage---SHARKS!!
A few people have been hit by sharks of late, some surviving to telll the tale, some not. Those that lost the fight with Mr Toothy I feel sorry for. But sharks, in the water, in the OCEAN!!! What is the world coming to! It must be global warming! RUN TO THE HILLS!!!
Thats where sharks live people, in the ocean. If you decide to go spearfishing and leave a trail of burley behind you, or surf where seals are known to frequent, or swim late at night then Jaws might pay you a visit because thats where he lives. Simple. Much like if you enter my backyard if you are a cat or dressed as a cat, then Bally "The Caterminator" may bite you, sometimes to death, because thats what he does. He is a wild animal whose mortal enimal is the feline. Its common sense.
Those that call for the culling of the shark can go jump. Thats where sharks live, we are visitors in their domain. Get over it.
And to those that have called the recent king tides and warm weather a sure sign of global warming, WAKE UP!! The king tide is a twice yearly event. The past few have been smaller and nature, in its infinite wisdom and dedication to balance made up for it this year. And the warmer weather is because it is SUMMER.
The world is full of dolts. We are here for public re-education, a public service provided free of charge. No need to thank me. I'm only one man but I am doing my bit.
A few people have been hit by sharks of late, some surviving to telll the tale, some not. Those that lost the fight with Mr Toothy I feel sorry for. But sharks, in the water, in the OCEAN!!! What is the world coming to! It must be global warming! RUN TO THE HILLS!!!
Thats where sharks live people, in the ocean. If you decide to go spearfishing and leave a trail of burley behind you, or surf where seals are known to frequent, or swim late at night then Jaws might pay you a visit because thats where he lives. Simple. Much like if you enter my backyard if you are a cat or dressed as a cat, then Bally "The Caterminator" may bite you, sometimes to death, because thats what he does. He is a wild animal whose mortal enimal is the feline. Its common sense.
Those that call for the culling of the shark can go jump. Thats where sharks live, we are visitors in their domain. Get over it.
And to those that have called the recent king tides and warm weather a sure sign of global warming, WAKE UP!! The king tide is a twice yearly event. The past few have been smaller and nature, in its infinite wisdom and dedication to balance made up for it this year. And the warmer weather is because it is SUMMER.
The world is full of dolts. We are here for public re-education, a public service provided free of charge. No need to thank me. I'm only one man but I am doing my bit.