I wish we could have charged over the line, hands held high like an Olympic sprinter hopped up on the latest performance enhancers. Instead we stumble our way to the line, coughing and spluttering, with all the vim and vigour of a sloth shot by a poacher, hanging on but refusing to fall.
It was a promising start but unfortunately the monkeys that usually bang out blogs like ours went out for a smoke and never returned. And I think we are all poorer for it.
I will blog again soon when I feel a little more human. I started work at 6am Tuesday and finished at 1am Wednesday, returning to work eight hours later for more punishment and am not feeling quite right just yet. Hopefully I can blog about how great the State of Origin game was, how it was a hard fought battle, with at least two big dust ups that don't result in the sin binning of everyone and are seen as part of a full contact sport between fit young angry men.
But I doubt it.