The NRL, and in particular chief vazhin Gallop, whom I have long suspected of suffering from a major bout of plot loss have finally gone and proven that when it comes to ridiculousness, they are the kings. What is a DESTINY ROUND? I wish you could hear me say it because I sound like I am an announcer for a bad 70s game show......
"Hahaha, yes yes and welcome back. We are here with Mary Smith, a housewife and mother of four from Croydon. Congratulations Mary, you have just won the Black and Decker kitchen mixer, now with two speeds and linoleum cover. Now we move to the DESTINY ROUND where you will play for a new house built with James Hardies finest asbestos sheeting! As an expectant mother you can rest easy knowing you are being protected from the elements by asbestos. Remember folks, the DESTINY ROUND is sponsored by Craven A's, the cigarette most favoured by doctors!"
What is a DESTINY ROUND? Is it double points? Are the games played backwards? Is there an egg and spoon component to the game, no kicks for goal this weekend, DESTINY ROUND dictates that such things are predecided, Hollywood Harrigan will let you know once he reviews some footage. Will there be tarot card readers on the half way? Clairvoyants in the crowds ruining the odds on the market by revealing the winner? Will the teams have philosophical discussions at half time about what exactly constitutes a persons destiny, and whether there is such a thing a fate, before moving onto a discussion on free will and man's ability to alter the path of his life? Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events so why are we playing this round at all? If it is all predetermined why bother showing up? It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the cosmos. So if you are destined to win you should be able to do that from home, feet up on the lounge with a cold one in hand. Stay home!!
DESTINY ROUND....what a crock. The name is so ridiculous we should rename the upcoming get together the Destiny Drink. And I can see our destiny, and we will be drunk as sailors on shore leave and laughing our heads off.