Currently listening to Motorhead, Ace Of Spades. Lemmy is God.
Crazy Captain Kev has announced his climate change paper. What a crock. It used to be called Global Warming (remember those good old days...) but they realised that it didn't fit in with the plan as the warming could be possibly explained by other causes, so now it is climate change, like when the weather changes from cold in June to hot in December....RUN TO THE HILLS!!!!!! WE ARE ALL DOOMED TO DIE!!!!!!!!!
It is a crock. There are scientists who support the idea, and as many who say it is bunk, but the people who make the most noise, the great unwashed as I have heard them described, prefer to believe the former and refuse to see anything else. You can almost hear the words blaring directly from their brains... "Research? By experts? Who needs that? We BELIEVE! It's like everything else Greens do - it's all about who they can vilify and how they feel. Facts never enter the picture. Don't get me wrong, I love the environment and think that we should not be burning rubber tyres in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef, but seriously, lets get some perspective here. So many dissenting voices asking for more research into the subject....maybe some are old and are ready to go and are too lazy to do anything about it but surely they can't all want to die in an environmental catastrophe.
I lived overseas in 1999 and was told by the company I was working for that we had to fly out by December 20th to avoid the Y2K bug meltdown that was about to hit. It sure did hit. A few very smart people made a lot of money off that. Those same people are now reaching into our pockets under the banner of climate change.
If I be so bold check out this: http://ecoworld.com/features/2006/12/29/rebuttal-to-inconvenient-truth/
I did and I loved it.
My dream for 2009 is for Lemmy to front Al Gore on his own front lawn and kick him square in the kegs, and then get on a plane, fly to Tasmania, drinking and smoking the whole flight surrounded by nubile young lasses, go to Bob Brown's place (wont be too hard to find, its the grass thatch hut with no power or water attached) and nut him square across the bridge of the nose. And then come to my place for a beer....I am now the best mood I have been in all day just thinking about it.
Lemmy. Is there anything he cant do?