The cigars and champagne are at the ready at my humble abode with the birth of my first child imminent. Its an exciting time and from the moment my beloved told me that she was with child I have been a ball of eager anticipation. Its a great thing, the embodiment of a miracle, and one that I have had a direct hand in producing. Sure, I have had a hand in some other miracles (how the golden trio made it home after the last visit to "The 'quarie" without being arrested or having had a heart attack...that was a miracle) but this, this is something to truly marvel at.
But I am troubled my friends, troubled by the constant bad vibes and harshing of mellow from other parents who have nothing but bad things to say about parenthood and raising kidlets. Tales of dirty nappies, of vomit, of sleepless nights, of lack of freedom, of pain and unending suffering are being related to me at every angle as soon as people hear I am soon to be a dad.
I have to ask, is it really that bad? Surely not as I don't see the world in danger of under population any time soon. And these whingers and whiners aren't trying to trade in these, as one person described it to me, "screaming vomiting excrement machines" for a new TV are they. Everyone should be thankful that we live in a country where we can have healthy kidlets and bring these freakin MIRACLES (can I have a HALLELUJAH!!!!) into the world to enrich our lives.
I can't wait for the dirty nappies, the vomit, the excreta, the lack of sleep and the rest. Because the trade off for that is the greatest gift of all, your own spawn which you can mould to take over the world! That or just fetch beers for you. The choices are limitless.
I will keep you up to date with the arrival. Check the papers, it will surely be front page news.
But I am troubled my friends, troubled by the constant bad vibes and harshing of mellow from other parents who have nothing but bad things to say about parenthood and raising kidlets. Tales of dirty nappies, of vomit, of sleepless nights, of lack of freedom, of pain and unending suffering are being related to me at every angle as soon as people hear I am soon to be a dad.
I have to ask, is it really that bad? Surely not as I don't see the world in danger of under population any time soon. And these whingers and whiners aren't trying to trade in these, as one person described it to me, "screaming vomiting excrement machines" for a new TV are they. Everyone should be thankful that we live in a country where we can have healthy kidlets and bring these freakin MIRACLES (can I have a HALLELUJAH!!!!) into the world to enrich our lives.
I can't wait for the dirty nappies, the vomit, the excreta, the lack of sleep and the rest. Because the trade off for that is the greatest gift of all, your own spawn which you can mould to take over the world! That or just fetch beers for you. The choices are limitless.
I will keep you up to date with the arrival. Check the papers, it will surely be front page news.