I would like to combine and comment on the two most recent posts from ChovMan and Maca. Whilst I am happy that the good breeding folk of this wide brown crazy land won some money from the gubberment for having chilluns is that the smartest thing that Ruddy could have done?
I can see that the thousand will help the local smoke shop and the bottlo but will it kick along the economy? For a little while maybe but when the tank is dry everyone will be running back to the gubberment and saying "WELL YOU HELPED US BEFORE, YOU CAN HELP US AGAIN!!" It's irresponsible to just be handing out money like that. Set up some infrastructure projects and create some jobs with the money, don't give it out to everyone who is lucky enough to be able to breed. And considering the shallow and tepid water in the gene pool in some parts giving money away like that is stupid and will create more harm than good.
Greed is what caused this economic problem and greed will make the problem worse. Everyone needs to learn you need to SAVE MONEY and NOT LIVE ON CREDIT and that if you don't have foxtel, a big screen, choice clothes, some bling and a flash car YOU WILL BE OK!!!
I can see that the thousand will help the local smoke shop and the bottlo but will it kick along the economy? For a little while maybe but when the tank is dry everyone will be running back to the gubberment and saying "WELL YOU HELPED US BEFORE, YOU CAN HELP US AGAIN!!" It's irresponsible to just be handing out money like that. Set up some infrastructure projects and create some jobs with the money, don't give it out to everyone who is lucky enough to be able to breed. And considering the shallow and tepid water in the gene pool in some parts giving money away like that is stupid and will create more harm than good.
Greed is what caused this economic problem and greed will make the problem worse. Everyone needs to learn you need to SAVE MONEY and NOT LIVE ON CREDIT and that if you don't have foxtel, a big screen, choice clothes, some bling and a flash car YOU WILL BE OK!!!
This handout will only make the pain that is coming harder to handle. I am no expert but free money is NOT the answer.