The only sort of short stack allowed in the Kingdom of Crack comes with maple syrup.
Oh man am I worked up now.
I was on my way back to the office and thought I would pop into the bakery near work, pick up a drink and a treat, before heading into the Vandalay Industries complex. A man has to keep his strength up. While there I thought I'll just pop into the newsagent too, might pick a magazine to read over the weekend. And that's when it happened. That's when I saw it.
Back in the day I thought Rolling Stone magazine did some good work, a few serious interviews, a topical article, a light hearted roundup of all in the music world, twas a read I enjoyed. But as the years went on it was becoming more apparent that things were changing and I wasn't quite up the new music as I once was. Lord knows I have tried to keep up but it was rare that a new band elicited the excitement that music did in me earlier. But I am over that now. And now I can proudly say, in a strong clear and very loud voice:
Short Stack, a 'band' from parts unknown are on the cover of this months Rolling Stone. I'll say it again in case you missed it.
Short Stack.
On the cover of Rolling Stone.
This is a band that makes music, that I cannot begin to describe. Will they have a lasting impact on music? Will they be listened to in 15 years time? Is the musicianship at a level worth admiring? Have they done anything to warrant such attention? No, no, god no and apart from getting 12year old girls interested in them through social networking and YouTube, no. I wish I could grab each one of their young fans and shake them, screaming at them "You don't have to do this! There are many good bands that warrant your immediate attention and will improve your life!!!" but I wont. They need to learn their mistakes themselves.
When I was 12 I was into playing armies and kicking the ball with my imaginary friend Piggy. Like many of my interests when I was 12, I grew out of it, and I hope for the good of the world, the Short Stack fan base do to.
P.S: And Rolling Stone, oi! Consider your self barred. It is disgraceful that a once good magazine should befoul itself as you did this month. I am disappointed, I am disgusted and you have left me feeling dirty and unclean with the thought that I ever read you in the first place.
For shame.
I was on my way back to the office and thought I would pop into the bakery near work, pick up a drink and a treat, before heading into the Vandalay Industries complex. A man has to keep his strength up. While there I thought I'll just pop into the newsagent too, might pick a magazine to read over the weekend. And that's when it happened. That's when I saw it.
Back in the day I thought Rolling Stone magazine did some good work, a few serious interviews, a topical article, a light hearted roundup of all in the music world, twas a read I enjoyed. But as the years went on it was becoming more apparent that things were changing and I wasn't quite up the new music as I once was. Lord knows I have tried to keep up but it was rare that a new band elicited the excitement that music did in me earlier. But I am over that now. And now I can proudly say, in a strong clear and very loud voice:
Short Stack, a 'band' from parts unknown are on the cover of this months Rolling Stone. I'll say it again in case you missed it.
Short Stack.
On the cover of Rolling Stone.
This is a band that makes music, that I cannot begin to describe. Will they have a lasting impact on music? Will they be listened to in 15 years time? Is the musicianship at a level worth admiring? Have they done anything to warrant such attention? No, no, god no and apart from getting 12year old girls interested in them through social networking and YouTube, no. I wish I could grab each one of their young fans and shake them, screaming at them "You don't have to do this! There are many good bands that warrant your immediate attention and will improve your life!!!" but I wont. They need to learn their mistakes themselves.
When I was 12 I was into playing armies and kicking the ball with my imaginary friend Piggy. Like many of my interests when I was 12, I grew out of it, and I hope for the good of the world, the Short Stack fan base do to.
P.S: And Rolling Stone, oi! Consider your self barred. It is disgraceful that a once good magazine should befoul itself as you did this month. I am disappointed, I am disgusted and you have left me feeling dirty and unclean with the thought that I ever read you in the first place.
For shame.
