Friday, 5 November 2010

From The Local Paper....

I know that not all of our readers get all the local papers so in case you missed it, this appeared in one of the local rags with regard to my recent house move.

September 16th 2010

The nation is still yet to know the results and the political landscape is still uncertain following the recent federal election. And additional uncertainty continues in Macquarie Fields as all round good guy and decade long mayor of the peaceful borough prepares to move to a new location. A month of mourning has been declared and local residents are said to be wandering the streets lost. A constant stream of cars have been driving past the mayoral abode at number 22 to see the sight they thought they would never see, a sold sign declaring an end to a tumultuous but productive time for the area.

"It's time for me to move on. There is an Aldi here now, the shops are getting a new lick of paint, the troubles of 2005 are a distant memory" an emotional Mayor Crack stated at a press conference last week, "It's the right time for the area, me and the nation."

"Sure I have had my critics, notably the nattering masses from the east who seem to have an opinion on all I do," Crack stated, a veiled reference to the residents of Revesby who have waged an ongoing war of words with the Mayor since his takeover in 2000, "but I think my record will stand strong, and Mac Fields will always be in my heart."

When questioned about the rumours he has sold out, hoisted the white flag and joined his detractors in Revesby, Crack vehemently denied he was a turncoat and again launched a broadside at those in the eastern suburbs enclave.

"I am moving east yes, but I will not be building a moat in front of my house. I will not be like Mr 'I Love Babysitting' and treat my lawn with contempt and turn it yellow. I will not claim to live in 'The Shire', an area 25 kilometres away from Revesby. Nor will be partaking in coffee in one of the many coffee shops in Revesby. It will be king gees, mongrel dogs and beer as usual."

The press conference attendees stood as one and a cheer rose across the area when Crack, now in a lather of perspiration, ruddy faced and extremely animated declared from the pulpit in front of the modest home "To those who say I have turned my back on Campbelltown let me say this, a wise man once said, keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer. Good people of Mac Fields! I haven't quit! The war will go on!!" Crack yelled as he returned to his house for a well earned beverage and to tend child genius Jaeda.

Commentators say the fighting words used by the mayor are an ominous sign that the war of words may continue but on a new battleground.

From the scene...

Mike Oxwollen