Thursday, 11 November 2010

The List.

Yes, its been a while.

"But Maca oh wise one, where have you been? We have had no guidance, nor anyone to help steer us through the channels of life, and such and such, and so on and so forth" I hear you say.

Well I say mind your own bloody business. I have been busy.

Anywho, I have this list see and all of the people who piss me off go on it. Its quite a long list. I havent actually taken the time to write this list down, so maybe thats not really a list but for the purpose of this blog we will call it a list.

So the people on this list get on the said list after annoying me to the point where I think about writing them a letter/email. I never actually write the letter, but I walk away from this person/people thinking that when I get home they will be getting a stern letter from me. As it turns out I am far to busy and important to be jotting out angry letters every day so the list continues to grow like it did yesterday when the man at the pet store annoyed me. Thats a boring story so I wont go into it but needless to say 'Pet Store Man' (didnt get his name) from 'The Pet Store' (cant remember the name of the shop) is the latest to be added to the list.

So, with the background of my list done I will tell you about why Jaycar Electronics are now on my list.

Recently whilst doing up my mancave I realised that I needed some wiring work to be done between my boombox and some speakers so off I trotted to my local Jaycar. I knew what I wanted;

1. Speaker cable
2. A box that could split the sound between two sets of speakers (inside the mancave amd outside the mancave
3. Someway of attatching the current wires (if this was possible) to the new wires which was neat and tidy.

Speaker cable appeared to be no problem to the internet arsed salesman. However the 'box' I needed confused him, no sorry, amused him. Apparently its called a 'Splitter Box' and my description of a box which splits the sound between two sets of speakers wasnt adequate enough for him to grasp exactly what I needed. So after laughing it up with his mate who may have actually been his mate (in the Joel Monaghan sense) he finally showed me what I needed.

Now I needed a neat way of attatching the wires. He told me to use my soldering iron. I told him I dont have one. His Coke bottle glasses wearing mate snorted and a booger flew out. This was amazing on its own because I saw this lady killer, moments earlier, digging for gold so hard that you would think nothing could have been in his nasal passage. So I repeated I still needed a way to attatch these wires neatly, he repeated that I really needed a soldering iron. I wanted to say that you guys really needed a shower, but I didnt .I paid for my goods and left working out what I would say in my letter to the head of Jaycar Electronics.

So they are on my list.

And then I found five dollars.