When I was an apprentice, times were tough. So tough in fact that I was paid in apple cores and used band aids, but I stuck it out as I knew that it was a building block, a stepping stone if you will for bigger and better things. Now I hear that apprentices are going to be given tax free cash as an incentive to stick out those rough years and see the trade course through. SPARE ME!!! Some apprentices are as useful as a pocket on a pair of undies, and that is why they are paid so poorly. They are good for fetching tools and taking lunch orders. And believe me, some have trouble working a broom
This is just another example of why we are in the position we are in, people expect everything to be easy, to be handed to them and to be subsidised by someone else. Get out there, do your time as an apprentice and work your way up to become a tradesman so that you can look at the apprentices and laugh at their lack of skills and poor pay. It's one of the few reasons I continue to front up on Monday mornings these days.