Tuesday, 4 May 2010

I Wasn't Wrong! I Was Miquoted!!

Last year, around September, a young lady set out to circumnavigate the world. At the time of her departure I, along with many others, questioned whether that was the smartest think to do. Soon enough there was a collision, with a MASSIVE boat, shortly after she set off. The cries of "YOU AREN'T READY TO DO THIS!" echoed long and loud across this wide brown crazy land.

I am now being reminded by persons who shall remain nameless that I was WRONG. That my doomsayer stance on this journey has come to naught, and that I should be happy that she has made it. That my dour attitude to life and the achievements of others needs work, and I am wrong to have chased down this tall poppy.

Well, I have been told, but in the words of Jules Winnfield, allow me to retort--

I never wished ill on Jessica Watson or on her trip around the world. My comments were made out of care and compassion. I hope she makes it and proves all those who said she wouldn't make it wrong. The fact that she was so young and didn't have the best start boded poorly for the trip and I along with many others, hoped she was ready and that we weren't going to be reading about a tragic accident months down the track. That's all, I was looking out for another human being, another Aussie, another person with big hopes and endless dreams, like me. If that makes me wrong, if that makes me bad, then so be it.

Let me also add that there is also another young girl who has recently set off on her own journey, younger than our Jess. Jess could win the award for the worlds shortest held title, if nothing else.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.....