Remember when this bloke hijacked the election coverage

with his unbridled insanity and self importance? Remember how all the smart media commentators said sagely that it was a lesson to all Australians, how lucky we were to have not voted him into the top office, and how we as a nation had dodged a bullet.
Well let me be the first to say DUCK!!!!!!! STAY DOWN AND DON'T STAND UP TIL I GIVE THE ALL CLEAR!!!!!!! Because there is a new clown in town that will make Latham look quite sane and reasonable in his thinking and level headed in his approach to the public, the media and the world in general...
Katter is a strange and unhinged individual. And he will probably be after me now for saying that. He has a hair trigger and is known to get cranky about things often. I wouldn't want him holding me by the goolies, and that is exactly what he is doing to the nation now.
Three final words--new election now.