I hate The Melbourne Cup.
I hate it so much.
We are Three Wise Men, offering you our opinions on Life, the Universe and Everything, because we are right and you are wrong. We are the ultimate examples in the long and winding road that is human evolution.
I was away last weekend, and visited a lovely little village called Kangaroo Valley. My two and a half year old was beside herself with glee at the thought of heading to a town called Kangaroo Valley.
But woe how disappointed she was at the end of the trip.
In a blatant and shameless act of false advertising no one kangaroo was seen. Not one! There was a bloated wombat laying by the side of the road, having a very long rest but no kangaroos. Plenty of cows, but kangaroos? Nada!
I will be speaking with the local tourist authorities on my little ones behalf and demanding a name change to the village post haste. A simple 'No' in the front should see things straight.
And to those naysayers who say that they have heard all this doomsday BS before, in particular:
1844 when Will Miller predicted Christ would return between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1942 when the Jehovah's Witnesses said we were done for
1981 when Chuck Smith predicted that Jesus would probably return by 1981. Probably
1988 when Edgar C. Whisenaut published 88 Reasons why the Rapture is in 1988 and 1989 when Eddie was back again when he published The Final Shout: Rapture report 1989. More predictions by this author appeared for 1992, 1995, and other years. He is didnt get it right and gave up after that.
1992 when those crazy Koreans can out with "Mission for the Coming Days" predicted October 28, 1992 as the date for the rapture.
and 1994 when Pastor John Hinkle of Christ Church in Los Angeles predicted June 9, 1994.
I say phooey. Look at Harry. He wouldnt lie to you.
Sure Harry already had a shot at this and predicted September 6, 1994 but his calcs were out a bit, and this time he counted not only on his fingers but on his toes as well so it's a cert this time, THIS TIME FOR SURE!
Mr Combet said the Government would decide a carbon price by early July.
But he said: "Whatever the starting price, from the Government's stand point, it's going to be well south of $40 a tonne." Mr Combet said, whatever the price, there would be "generous household assistance" to help households cope.
So he will take with one hand and hand out with the other? Just don't tax us in the first place! IDIOT!
There is something seriously wrong when idiots like these are in charge, and people listen to them.
No wonder Toddles drinks so much.
Raiders 'boofhead' vandalises Orford's car
Mike Oxwollen
May 5, 2011
Having already been buggered with a Steeden, hung by his jocks from the southern goal posts, and been the 'central participant' in a recent club bun, Matt Orford's rough initiation to Canberra has hit a new low, with a frustrated fan vandalising the star halfback's high-priced Audi.
Witnesses reported a semi naked person dressed only in a Raiders jersey attacked the former Dally M Medallist's car with a meat safe in the Canberra Stadium car park in an ugly aftermath to last Sunday's soul destroying and humiliating 49-12 loss to the Wests Tigers. The gender of the offender could not be ascertained.
Raiders' ball-boys, cheerleaders and the players' life partners and families, officials, pie sellers and the bloke who sells the programs were also subject to verbal abuse after the shellacking.
It was Canberra's seventh straight defeat and left the club pinned at the bottom of the NRL ladder gasping for air in a season that will see them lucky to win a school fete raffle.
Orford's vehicle - dirty lucre as it was included as part of a third-party deal - was parked in the section of the car park reserved for players.
Raiders chairman John McIntyre was absolutely appalled by the incident.
''I'm absolutely appalled by the incident,'' McIntyre said.
Orford was crying too hard to comment.
Raiders chief executive Don Furner told ABC Radio he was embarrassed to be a Canberran.
''I'm embarrassed to be a Canberran,'' Furner said, "but not for the usual reasons, this is a fresh coat of shame I have to wear."
‘‘I would hope that our fans wouldn’t go vandalising somebody’s car after a game, but they have. They are idiots. I blame Toddles’’
Furner continued. ‘‘It is gutless. Apart from the fact it’s not very brave, it is a crime to go around vandalising things.’’ reminding all that the outlawing of vandalisming was part of the massive overhaul of Canberra laws that included the banning of fireworks, the banning of the Melbourne Cup public holiday and the banning of the right to be intimate with an animal.
Raiders players were also heckled by their own families and coaching staff after they completed their pre-game warm-ups.
"It is conditioning for the treatment they will receive for the remainder of the season" coach 'Little Don' Furner said. "We go from verbal abuse to an hour of having bottles thrown at them. No point running drills, these blokes are hopeless!"