Piggy Riddell, noted drinker and diet dodger arm around Toddles, recovering alcomaholic, who is on his very-last-no-more-chances-this-time-we-are-serious-by-gum chance. Can you imagine the conversation? Would they be discussing set plays? New positional changes? New ways to lace up the Gilbert's?
"Well done mate, you beat them again."
"Piggy, it's easy. You just say sorry, promise never to do it again, spend some time with Davey Gallop, maybe pump out a tear or two saying how troubled you are and she's apples!"
"Geez mate, you have this caper sewn up. Maybe I'll give Timmy Smith a call. Might work for him."
"Listen, He could rob a nun, and I guarantee I could get him off the charge."
Don't laugh. It is closer to the truth than you imagine.