Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Get In The Cannon

I have this much brain cells

This man is an idiot, so we can show you his face in this forum.  Say hello to Liam Warriner, a man who was charged with mooning the Queen. 

He lined up, probably for quite some time, and waited for the queen.  When she did show up, and waved the royal hand at him he thought it would be the height of comedy to drop the strides and expose his rear, apparently with the Australian flag between his cheeks.  Classy.  His workmates dared him to do it.

His defence is gold, if you consider the rantings of the socially mal-adjusted gold....
"Everybody's seen someone's butt, come on. You see it on TV all the time, you see it in movies, it's accepted in PG rated programming these days, but yet it's an offence to the Queen."

Listen to me champ, come in close, cos this might save you some trouble in the future; if you were to expose yourself in my presence you might find a size 10 planted firmly up your freckle, with a large shaven headed man, ie me, attached to the end of that size 10.  And that would be for starters.

I have said before that I may be out of touch with the younguns, I may be getting old (the beard I am trying to grow being all grey might be a good sign) but when did that become funny and cool?

And if you were in any doubt about his credentials as an idiot, well let me have the microphone to this dolt so he can prove to you in his own words what a wally he really is...
Warriner said he is also part of the Occupy anti-elite protest movement and had taken part in the protest in Sydney.
"I'd like to say we are the 99 percent, human need over corporate greed and we won't accept this any longer," he said.

And he said this wearing a Hurley t-shirt.....an international company........owned by Nike....a massive international corporate entity in anyones language.

Put away the books folks, I think we have a winner for buffoon of the year.

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