Friday, 10 April 2015

And Lo, Planets Did Align!

'And as the boy stood on the burning deck, his pockets full of crackers....Hang on, let me wet the whistle....'

Like the Magi, from the bible, three wise men convened last weekend to celebrate Easter with a few beers and plenty of laughs.

It had been a while between meetings but the main points of discussion were:
-the mythical racing beast "Chov's Last Chance" and it's current location
-who really did want to "party in the long grass"
-The sad death of Slayer's Jeff Hanneman in the most metal way possible (drowning from a burst blood clot on the nether regions)
-the current brevity of modern NFL games, specifically the Superbowl
-the lack of commercial TV reception at certain residences

amongst other things not fit for publication due to interests of national security and public humiliation.

All of this was conducted under the worlds largest golf umbrella/cone of silence, that turned into the worlds biggest sieve once the rain started.

The kidlets were tended to by the three-lettered-ones inside and away from the important discussions, as they should have been, appearing at the meeting of minds only to deliver delicious chocolate cake.

It was a great afternoon, not just for the Golden Trio, but humanity in general.

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