They say AIDS was started when men began having relations with monkeys.
Does this photo show how Swine Flu began?Is anyone really surprised that we are facing down death via Swine Flu, possibly the greatest threat to our existence after Global Warming. The increasing popularity of
vegamaterianism, which has been allowed to prosper right under the
Gu'mments nose and championed by organisations like PETA have doomed us all. All these vegans and
vegematerians who think by not eating meat they will save the world have placed us in peril, never before seen. As my learned colleague
Maca pointed out to me this afternoon bird flu, spread by
chooks, mad cow disease spread by cattle and now swine flu spread by pigs. We need to up our quotient of dead animal flesh eaten so we don't face sheep flu,
roo flu and deer flu in the near future. By not eating animals we are letting them get a foothold. Before long these animals will be our overlords in a world that would make Planet Of The Apes look like a holiday camp. We have already seen here in Sydney this past summer sharks attempting to commence their takeover of the world with a few violent
assaults of people swimming in the water!! How long is the
Gu'mment going to allow this? We need kiddies in school to learn this food pyramid;
See whats on the bottom? MEAT and lots of it. Hook in kids because if you
don't Mr Cow will soon be knocking on your door, and taking all the toys from your room.
Don't give him that chance!!!!
On the plus side of all of this hopefully pork prices will plummet and guess who will be there stocking up on yummy bacon and legs of pork while all the
scaredy cats run for cover? ME!! I heard on talk back radio today people saying they would not be eating pork until 'the crisis was over'. Great, hopefully this signals the start of more plentiful and cheap supplies of pig meat for the rest of us.
Pigs will never take over. I am top of the food chain and keeping those numbers down by doing my bit. I am only one man but I am one man making a