It has slowly been happening, but in a few weeks I think it will be official.
I am no longer the rocker I thought I was.
I am as shocked as you are, maybe more so. I enjoyed the dizzy highs of the rock star lifestyle with my early days in Odium, and later, Lethal. I have attended countless concerts, have been privileged to see some great bands, and have accumulated quite an impressive collection of music spanning most genres, but focusing on the heavier side of things. I was at one time able to sprout on about all the music played on 2JJJ, and knew most of the tunes on the radio.
But it is all over.
I listened to the hottest 100 on JJJ last weekend and knew none of the tunes, and the ones I heard sounded like they were made by cardigan wearing, fop haired girly men wearing ladies jeans who would wilt like a daffodil in the sun at the mere sound of the opening chords of Ace Of Spades.
But I am afraid I may soon be growing my hair out and letting it hang over one eye, slipping into a pair of ladies jeans and casting my eyes downward.
I have been asked to attend a concert by American music artist Pink by my three lettered one whose interest in music in the past has been limited to whatever I play or some obscure Thai love songs.
And I agreed to go.
As soon as I said yes and she ran off excitedly to check ticket availability I had visions of Lemmy nutting me, Danzig and Doyle walking away from me in disgust, Sabbath era Ozzy breaking into uncontrollable laughter......I was despondent. And still am.
Is this the end of my rockerdom???
I won't confirm it here, but if you soon see a whole heap of quality music music being offered for sale on EBay by someone named "oncewasarocker37645" you will know my friends, that the end has come.