Anyone who knows me well knows I am loathe to spread rumours and scuttlebutt but tales such as the one below need--in the interests of truth, honesty and helping out a mate--to be brought out into the open, into the light of truth, so that any stigma is released and reduced by the harsh light of criticism, and so that we may all learn from one of our mistakes together.
I have a very strong suspicion that one of the Trio has been in some legal trouble of late, maybe for public drunkenness, maybe for indecent exposure, and as such has been given some kind of community service order to fulfill. Why do I think this?
1. The person in question has been working days and nights at his "cooking job" when it used to be a purely evening gig.
2. He is incommunicado for most of the week, and you never hear from him on weekends.
3. He has been helping out in various 'canteens' throughout Canberra.
4. I received a text from him saying he had fed 110 kids from Bankstown of a Islamic religious leaning.
5. I saw him recently and I could have sworn I saw the outline of a tear drop tatt under his eye (OK, maybe I made that one up)